SOTYKTU demonstrated significantly higher PASI 90 response rates vs. apremilast at Weeks 16 and 24 (secondary endpoints)1

Adapted from Product Monograph and Armstrong et al., 2022.
* p<0.001 SOTYKTU vs. apremilast
p≤0.0001 SOTYKTU vs. placebo or SOTYKTU vs. apremilast

SOTYKTU demonstrated significantly higher PASI 75 response rates vs. apremilast at Weeks 16 and 24 (secondary endpoints)1

Adapted from Product Monograph and Armstrong et al., 2022.
* Co-primary endpoint SOTYKTU vs. placebo
p≤0.0001 SOTYKTU vs. placebo or SOTYKTU vs. apremilast

Examination of age, sex, ethnic origin, body weight, duration of disease, baseline disease severity, and previous treatment with biologic or non-biologic agents did not identify differences in response to SOTYKTU among these subgroups.1

Durability data

Adapted from Armstrong et al., 2022.
* Co-primary endpoint SOTYKTU vs. placebo
p≤0.0001 SOTYKTU vs. placebo

  • 65% of patients on SOTYKTU achieved PASI 75 at Week 52
  • Among patients who received SOTYKTU and achieved PASI 75 at Week 24, 81% of patients who continued on SOTYKTU maintained PASI 75 response at Week 521
  • Among patients who received SOTYKTU and achieved PASI 90 at Week 24, 74% of patients who continued on SOTYKTU maintained PASI 90 response at Week 521


Most (70.3%) SOTYKTU patients achieved an ss-PGA (scalp) score of 0 (clear)
or 1 (almost clear) at Week 16 (secondary endpoints)1,2

Adapted from Product Monograph and Armstrong et al., 2022.
* Includes patients with baseline ss-PGA scores ≥3.
p≤0.0001 SOTYKTU vs. placebo or SOTYKTU vs. apremilast


Significantly more SOTYKTU patients achieved a DLQI score of 0/1 at Week 16 vs. placebo (secondary endpoint)1,2

Adapted from Armstrong et al., 2022.
* p<0.0001

DLQI=Dermatology Life Quality Index; PASI=Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; ss-PGA=scalp severity Physician’s Global Assessment
1. SOTYKTU Product Monograph. Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Co. November 23, 2022. 2. Armstrong AW, Gooderham M, Warren RB, et al. Deucravacitinib versus placebo and apremilast in moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: efficacy and safety results from the 52-week, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase 3 POETYK PSO-1 trial. JAAD. 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.002 3. Armstrong AW, Gooderham M, Warren RB, et al. Deucravacitinib versus placebo and apremilast in moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: efficacy and safety results from the 52-week, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase 3 POETYK PSO-1 trial. JAAD. 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.002 Suppl

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